Defending against Critical Vulnerabilities by Preventing Lateral Movement Vulnerability Test Table

The Oligo research team has uncovered a severe vulnerability dubbed " Day," on all major consumer Operating Systems. This vulnerability has been dormant for 18 years. 

It exposes a fundamental weakness in browser network request handling, potentially granting malicious actors access to sensitive services on local devices.

Why is this significant?

While this specific vulnerability will eventually be patched, it highlights a crucial cybersecurity concern: the potential for rapid lateral movement across networks when application layer vulnerabilities are exploited.

Key takeaways:

  • Any device on the local network could be at risk
  • Application layer bugs are frequent, necessitating robust protective measures
  • Lateral movement prevention is critical in modern cybersecurity strategies

Enter Byos: Your Defense Against Lateral Movement Attacks 🛡️

Byos delivers unmatched protection, regardless of asset vulnerability or attacker sophistication:

1️⃣ Decoupled Security: Byos operates independently from protected devices, ensuring robust defense against evolving threats.

2️⃣ Granular Control with Routing Scenario Policy + Secure Lobby SDN Overlay™:

  • Scenarios E, F, G: Complete attack prevention through internet isolation
  • Scenarios A, B, C, D, H: Lateral movement blocked via country-based geo-fencing

3️⃣ Proactive Defense: Byos-protected devices remain immune to infections from compromised devices attempting lateral spread via LAN.

Don't let your network fall victim to the next " Day." Strengthen your defenses with Byos – where lateral movement meets its match.

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